The Art Project

About the Project
The Art Project «Eternal Feminine» — is the first unique challenge to put together various inputs on Eternal Feminine – a topic that is not widely known by general public. We wish to introduce Images that have inspired artists, musicians, poets, writers, scientists, theologians, philosophers throughout history.
We hold creative events, concerts, exhibitions, lectures on the Eternal Feminine, undertake research, educational and publishing activities.
Art is something to bring people together. We believe in connecting people based on timeless values, aspirating the human spirit through the arts, setting out spiritual life purposes.
It is for the first time in Russia (and in the world, too) that an Art Project has been launched on the subject. There is a key feature of our worldview that makes the project authors different from most of the people. We are inspired by Sophia Holy Wisdom and Holy Spirit, but unlike the Christian general understanding regard them as persons, Feminine Hypostases, representing the Divine Maternal Aspect. By the most of people these key notions are well known but poorly understood.
The time we are living in testifies to the urgency of the topic and calls to use all the existing tools to promote the Eternal Feminine subject in various areas of culture, i.e. music, fine arts, literature, architecture, etc.
Under the present socio-cultural conditions the task of moral character education is the cause for concern. So the Idea of Sophia with Her values of Kindness, Love, Beauty and Truth can be comprehended as the dominating one in the system of moral human character-building.
We are open to any contribution from anyone who shares our vision, creative people (in any field), taking their inspiration from the Eternal Feminine High Images.