The Art Project

International Art Exhibition

Participants of 1st The Eternal Feminine International Art Exhibition

Photos of the opening the Eternal Feminine International Art Exhibition 24 nov 2019, Moscow

The “Eternal Feminine” Arts Exhibition was held in November-December 2019 in Moscow.


We believe our Exhibition has worked to connect people based on timeless values, adding to the aspiration of the human spirit through the art, emphasizing the importance of spiritual goal of life.

We welcome to participate artists creative on various aspects of the Eternal Famininity idea: Heavenly Family (Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and The Son), Mother Goddess, Holy Dove, Holy Spirit, Sophia the Holy Wisdom, Virgin Maria, women in the Bible, sacral images within Christianity, the idea of Heaven and human Motherhood, spiritually inspired females portrayed, Pure soul images, upward ascension of the human spirit, the male and female harmony.

Annael (Anelia Pavlova)

Adelaida, Australia

Bulgarian-born Australian artist working in oil painting, printmaking, drawing, illustration and ceramics. She graduated with a Master degree in Fine Arts from the Academy of Fine Arts, Sofia. Her paintings, which encompass both the figurative and the abstract, are created using classical music from composers across different periods in a unique synthesis of idea, music, and visual art. Her monoprints are created with an original printmaking technique, which she invented in the 1980’s, that brings the bright, lucid colours of oil painting to the world of the graphic medium. Numerous books have been illustrated by her as well. Besides her artistic work, she also writes poetry and children’s stories.